
Database Support

Database Support

Festkorp provides you with comprehensive Database Support services, utilizing our foundational ITIL process and delivery methodology. We have a strong focus on Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) for the storage of information in databases used for financial records, manufacturing, and logistical information, personnel data, and other applications. We have expertise in Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, SAP Sybase ASE, Informix, and Microsoft Access.


Database Migration Support

When your complex database migration requires project management or project planning, our Festkorp Professional Services team has you covered. A Migration Specialist can help your developers and administrators plan, manage and execute a seamless migration. For value-added expertise, a Festkorp DBA can assist with the migration by providing subject matter expertise and DBA consulting with your team throughout the Professional Services application migration. However, it is not within the scope of the DBA team to provide project planning or project management services.



Disaster Recovery Planning and Implementation

Festkorp will work closely with your team to ensure we have an effective disaster recovery plan in place, including daily, weekly, and monthly data backups that can be quickly restored.

Monitoring and Preventive Maintenance

Festkorp expert team of Database Professionals will monitor the health of your database to prevent problems and ensure optimum performance.

Legacy Database Migration

The Festkorp team is experienced and skilled in data migration from legacy databases. We have toolkits and accelerators in place to extract, transform, and load your data, cleaning, scrubbing, and normalizing, eliminating duplicates and redundancies to ensure data integrity.

Database Performance Management

Our experienced troubleshooters will thoroughly analyze your database and implement thoughtful, informed solutions to optimize performance and increase efficiency.

Database Upgrade

eNoah is prepared to upgrade your database to the most current and up-to-date version. Example: SQL ver. 2014 -> SQL ver. 2017

Database Training Services

In our commitment to offering comprehensive service, we continue to aid your IT team, training them to become familiar and proficient with the most up-to-date application.

Progress Database Crash Recovery

Festkorp experts are well equipped to minimize the adverse effects of a database failure. We will quickly and efficiently make your system functional and accessible again.


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